Member Chat

TFVA members can now use this forum for a variety of purposes. You will see some topic areas below. Just click on them to post, or to look and see it there is something posted to which you would like to respond. Within each area you can begin a conversation or join an existing one. You will see upcoming events started as threads in the Tickets Available forum, for example. Use the “Suggestions” forum to share any ideas you have for possible new topics.

Note: check below for instructions

  1. Each chat area is called a “Forum” and within each “Forum” are the “Topics”.
  2. Click on a red forum heading and then on a red topic heading to join a chat under any of the forum topics. There may be multiple topics, just one topic or no topics
  3. Or choose “Create New Topic” to start a new conversation in any of the forums.
  4. Your name will automatically appear with your comments.
  5. Note that the reply is not to the person, it is to the topic. Mention a name in your note if you are trying to respond to another individual's comments.
  6. Check the "Notify me" box at the bottom of the page to follow the replies. You will receive an email each time someone adds a comment.
  7. Alternatively, you could add to your message something like "If you are interested email me at soandso@…" OR you could say "Look me up in the membership directory and email me directly.” It is also possible to check back to review any additional comments.
  8. Don't forget to scroll down and click ‘Submit'.
  9. If you feel that there is topic that should be included, you can use the suggestions area to bring it to the attention of the Internal Communications committee.

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